Transverse Damper
The LHC ADT system [1] provides a maximum kick strength of 2 \murad at 450 GeV in the 3 kHz - 1 MHz BW (at 10 MHz only 10% strength is left). It can be operated in "extended BW" with a BW up to ~20 MHz.
It has 4 pick-ups per planes per beams (\beta-function between 100-180 m depending on the PU/plane/beams) [1].
From [2], the typical noise RMS is 1-2 \mu m at (8-14 \mum_{\rm pk-pk}) The SNR is expected to be improved by more than a factor 3 after LS2.
From [3], with an operational gain of 0.04, corresponding to a damping time of 50 turns, the contribution of the noise to the emittance growth rate in LHC is estimated around 2%/h.
The details of the gain along the cycle are reported in [4].
Progress In Transverse Feedbacks and Related Diagnostics for Hadron Machines, W. Hofle, IPAC2013, Shanghai, China (2013)
LHC transverse feedback system: First results of commissioning, E.V. Gorbachev et al., RuPAC 2008, (2008)
Beam dynamics in synchrotrons with digital wideband transverse feedback systems, V. M. Zhabitsky, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 45 (2014)
[3]: Impact of the ADT on the beam quality with high brightness beams in collision (MD2155), X. Buffat et al., CERN, 2018
Modeling of the emittance growth due to decoherence in collision at the Large Hadron Collider, X. Buffat et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 021002
HL-WP2 Meetings
118th, Review of ADT impact on emittance growth, X. Buffat
[2]: 118th, Plans for improved ADT pick up resolution, D. Valuch
[1]: 75th, Expected performance of the HL-LHC transverse feedback, W. Hofle
75th, Do we need a Wide-Band Transverse feedback in the LHC/HL-LHC?, K. Shing Bruce Li
Other meetings
[4]: ADT upgrades for HL-LHC, D. Valuch et al., 8th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting, 16th October 2018
ADT re-commissioning, D. Valuch, 116th LBOC, 10th March 2020