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Summary tables


An effort to classify the different noise sources into common categories has been proposed. This implies a reasonable but subjective balance between synthesis and simplification.

The presented tables should be considered as an entry point for a general overview, useful to bridge the different topics: a starting point to be improved in a collaborative approach.

Mechanism of interaction

Noise source Mechanism of beam interaction Dipolar/quadrupolar
GM: ground motion and thermal effect Seismic noise/thermal drift/ancillary mechanical device vibrations (mechanically coupled with the cold masses/magnets): change of the magnetic center of quadrupole (and higher multipoles). Dipolar effect considered due to quadrupolar feed-down.
BS: beam screen vibrations Induced by seismic noise and/or by turbulent He cooling flow. At high frequency the field follow the BS therefore a vibration is equivalent to dipolar kicks. Dipolar considered (BS offset or BS radius vibration).
ADT: damper Dominated by the PU noise (Lebedev model). The kicker reacts to the noise of the PU and excites the beam. Dipolar (by construction).
PC: power converters By construction, harmonics of the commuting frequency of the semiconductor device perturb the PC output and, after filtering (inductive load, vacuum chamber, beam screen), perturb the magnetic field, hence the beam. Dipolar and quadrupolar considered.
CC: crab cavities Dominated by the LLRF noise in terms of amplitude and phase of the RF kick. Dipolar (by construction).
FJ: flux jump Related to well known physics of the Nb3Sn technology (and its mild interplay with the PC). Variation of the field in the magnet. Much more information on the dipolar noise effect. Preliminary consideration on quadrupolar effect have been made.
HEL: hollow electron lens Interaction with the the beam core due to non-symmetric distribution of the electrons with respect beam orbit (at the moment no intra-bunch effect is expected/studied). S-shape HEL compensate most of the “edge” effects. Studies concentrated on dipolar kick.
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies

Potential effect on the beam

Noise source Potential effects on the beam Direct observation in LHC?
GM: ground motion and thermal effect Orbit effects à Instantaneous Luminosity jitter and beam losses at TCP (possible dumps) Yes (during CE work in 2018 or earthquakes). It induced BLM dumps in LHC (10 Hz).
BS: beam screen vibrations Orbit effects à Instantaneous Luminosity jitter and beam losses at TCP (possible dumps) Higher frequency (>1 kHz) can cause emittance blow-up and halo repopulation. No for f>50 Hz. Specific test conducted in 2006. New BS will be tested (not in the STRING).
ADT: damper Emittance blow-up, beam lifetime and halo repopulation à Integral luminosity and beam losses, latency in instabilities. Yes. Lower noise PU expected in Run3.
PC: power converters Emittance blow-up, beam lifetime and halo repopulation à Integral luminosity and beam losses, latency in instabilities. Tune-tracking degraded. Tune-modulation. Yes, dipole noise (since Run1, extensive observations in 2018). No, quadrupole noise (tune modulation).
CC: crab cavities Emittance blow-up, beam lifetime and halo repopulation à Integral luminosity and beam losses, latency in instabilities. No. Extensive MD program in SPS in 2018.
FJ: flux jump Orbit effects (mainly) à Instantaneous Luminosity jitter and beam losses at TCP (possible dumps) No. More data expected in Run3 (11 T dipoles).
HEL: hollow electron lens Emittance blow-up, beam lifetime and core diffusion à Instantaneous Luminosity jitter and beam losses at TCP (possible dumps) No. MD studies in LHC during Run2.
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies

The s-dependence

Noise source Single or multiple locations in the lattice?
GM: ground motion and thermal effect Distributed effect (in principle). In practice dominated by the triplets (but exception for the ‘10 Hz’-event). Depending of the frequency (>3 Hz), limited spatial correlation is expected.
BS: beam screen vibrations In practice dominated by the triplets. If induced by the He cooling flow, no spatial correlation expected.
ADT: damper Localized at the ADT kickers.
PC: power converters Distributed. Spatial correlation expected for PCs powering a long string of magnets (difficult to compute above few tens of Hz).
CC: crab cavities Localized at the CC location.
FJ: flux jump Localized at the Nb3Sn magnets (IR⅕ triplets and 11 T dipoles).
HEL: hollow electron lens Localized at the HEL.
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies

The t-dependence

Noise source Effects along the beam cycle
GM: ground motion and thermal effect Despite the GM and thermal effect are always present, effect mainly optics-driven (high value of beta-function in the triplets): mainly at FLATTOP and for high tele-index. To consider evolution with Geothermie2020.
BS: beam screen vibrations See GM. Mainly at FLATTOP and for high tele-index.
ADT: damper During the full cycle but dependent on gain of the ADT settings and of the beam tune spread…(Lebedev model).
PC: power converters Dipole component: observed during the full cycle. Quadrupole component: larger at high tele-index.
CC: crab cavities Studies focus when crabbing bump is active (FLATTOP).
FJ: flux jump Mainly during the first part of the ramp (<3 TeV).
HEL: hollow electron lens Mainly when the HEL is powered in resonant mode (most likely a cleaning of the tail will be done after the injection and before the squeeze, tbc)
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies

Frequency spectrum

Noise source Frequency spectrum
GM: ground motion and thermal effect From DC to ~100 Hz, but significant contribution expected at the resonance of the triplets (~21 Hz).
BS: beam screen vibrations New BS are quite massive due to the tungsten masks (~500 Kg/~10 m). First three modes resonance between 10-20 Hz. Test of vibration induced by turbulent flow planned but minor effects are expected.
ADT: damper The noise is in the ATD BW, 3 kHz – 1 MHz (20 MHz in extended mode).
PC: power converters Harmonics of the switching frequency. Depending on the technology (SCR, silicon-controlled rectifier, or SMPS, switched-mode power supply), the switching frequency can very different (from ~50 Hz for SCR to up to 200 kHz for the SMPS)
CC: crab cavities Two very different mechanism: phase and amplitude noise. Both originated by the noise of the LLRF loops (from DC to 100 kHz). The first one will appear as a bbb kick while the second is equivalent to an intra-bunch kick (hence beyond ADT capability)
FJ: flux jump Magnetic measurement show effects mainly between 10-100 Hz
HEL: hollow electron lens Spectrum will depend on the powering mode. Assuming resonant excitation, one should expect noise from the first betatron line (>3 kHz). Intra-bunch kick is not considered.
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies

Expected effect on the beam

Noise Orbit effect expected Emittance blow-up
GM: ground motion and thermal effect HL-LHC twice more sensitive than LHC. The 10-Hz noise induced 10 dumps in Run2. Triplet expected vertical motion (magnetic axis) below 0.04 μm (for f>3 Hz) and a consequent expected luminosity losses <0.1%. Monitor effect of Geothermie2020. Negligible.
BS: beam screen vibrations None additional to GM (rigid motion triplets-BS wrt the CM). Negligible.
ADT: damper Negligible. Estimated in LHC (Lebedev model fit, gain of 50 turns) in 2%/h emittance growth in LHC. To maintain a similar level for HL-LHC, ADT PU noise needs be reduced by x4. Lebedev model implemented in the LHC luminosity model: ~0.12 um/h at injection, ~0.045 um/h in production.
PC: power converters Negligible. DIPOLES: Simulations show impact on lifetime (~15% reduction). QUADRUPOLES: Negligible.
CC: crab cavities Negligible. Expected 3.7%/h (amplitude noise) and 0.94%/h (phase noise).
FJ: flux jump DIPOLE FJ: below BLM threshold. QUADRUPOLE FJ: more critical (induced dumps expected in a non negligible number of beam) but input needed. Negligible.
HEL: hollow electron lens Negligible. MD studies report effects larger than the ones (negligible) expected from simulations. Details depend strongly on the resonance mode selected. The dipole kick assumed is 15 nrad (this equivalent to 3e-6 stability of a single main bend).
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies

Assumptions and open questions

To be filled.

Noise Assumptions, limits of the approach and open questions
GM: ground motion and thermal effect
BS: beam screen vibrations
ADT: damper
PC: power converters
CC: crab cavities
FJ: flux jump
HEL: hollow electron lens
UPS: uninterruptible power supplies