The main point is to concentrate to the stability of the frequencies of the UPS spectrum (spectrogram to prove/disprove the UPS frequencies are 50 Hz harmonics).
Resources and presentations
8 kHz Measurements on the LHC power converters, V. Barbet et al., 46th LMC, 3rd March 2010
8 kHz signals measured on UPS network powering RF equipments in SR4 and UX45, V. Chareyre, EDMS 1063974 (2010)
Assessment of the High Frequency Noise Produced by the UPS Systems in the LHC Machine, V. Chareyre, EDMS 1539776 (2015)
Mesures de Perturbations Conduites Generees par les UPS, D. Ribeyrol et al., EDMS 851713 (2007)
Perturbations Terre-neutre sur les Reseaux 400V/F2 dans les Arcs du LHC, B. Dubois et al., EDMS 837687 (2007)
Perturbations terre-neutre sur les Reseaux 400V/F2 dans les Arcs du LHC (½ secteur R3), S. Brown et al., EDMS 840359 (2007)
Tests and analysis of a filter-based solution for attenuating 8 kHz signals generated by APC Silcon UPS, V. Chareyre, EDMS 1075078 (2010)
8 kHz perturbations, investigations and follow-up for the transverse damper system, D. Valuch et al.
LHC Beam Stability and Performance of the Q/Q' Diagnostic Instrumentation, R. J. Steinhagen et al., Proceedings of BIW10, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, (2010)
Electrical distribution for machine protection systems: how to ensure safe powering and high availability?, V. Chareyre, MPP Workshop (2013)
Data on the measurements on the BA7 UPS can be found in /eos/project/a/abpdata/lhc/rawdata/power_converter/UPS.
LMC presentations
- Measurement of the noise spectra of the LHC spare UPS, S. Kostoglou et al. (2020)
HL-TCC presentations
- 50 Hz harmonics' noise and their impact on LHC performance, S. Kostoglou et al. (2020)
HL-WP2 presentations
- Measurements of the LHC (spare) UPS voltage spectra, S. Kostoglou et al. (2020)